If so, follow the steps below to create a mass email: To send an email to each student with their individual login instructions, you must make sure that your students have email addresses associated with their accounts.

Select the appropriate class and save your changes.Tip: If your students are using Google email addresses or Microsoft 365 single sign-on, it might be helpful to uncheck every box except the login URL and write "Please log in using your Google/Microsoft account".Check the box next to each of the students that will be enrolled.Use this method if your students are already in your account and you only have a couple of classes to roster. You can select multiple students by using the checkboxes and then click Enroll in Class at the top of the student list. Although students can be enrolled in classes later, we recommend enrolling them right away so that they can log in and get to work. Recommended: If you have imported a single class, you may enroll all students in a class you have already created.You will now see all of the students from your CSV file appear under the Students tab. If you are a district administrator and you have added schools to your account, you can choose a school for the students here.Click Choose File and upload your CSV file.Google SSO: first name, email Username/Password: first name, username, password The following are the required fields for your preferred login setup: Open the tool and review instructions on how to format a CSV file containing your students' names and some identifying information.Click Add Student and then Import/Update Students.

Before finalizing the import, you can choose a class to enroll the students in.